If you repurchase the same item, your refund rights will be voided. It is possible to return a game or an app and get a refund only once. If you uninstall a paid app via the Play Store app within two hours after you purchased it, you should get an automatic refund. They will determine whether you qualify for a refund according to their policies and legal requirements. If you want to attempt to get a refund after that timeframe, you should contact the app developer directly.
Google talk app play store how to#
Wondering how to get a refund on play store? Google Play refund policies state that Google does not offer refunds for most purchases unless they honor the 48-hour rule. Google Play Refunds for Apps, Games, and In-App Purchases All approved refunds are processed back using the original form of payment whenever that is possible. The refund policies differ depending on the item.
Google talk app play store android#
Besides apps, you can buy music, books, movies, and TV programs on Google Play and use them on your smart device running a Google certified Android operating system. It started as a platform where you could shop for smartphone apps, but it turned fast to a full-blown digital media store. What the App Store is for iPhone users, Google Play is for the users of Android. Chargebacks and Refunds How to Get a Google Play Refund Google Play Refund -Get Your Money Back for Anything From the Store